domingo, 3 de março de 2024

Please, Just Listen

There are levels of obsession, but still it's only obsession you're going to find in the system. That's why you should never have any desire for the kind of message you receive from a drunk, disconnected person. You're always going to be their "God", whether their interest is "romantic" or purely "sexual". And that type of promiscuous individual who indulge in casual dates is not always going to find people who believe in worshipping "sex" in as many different partners as possible. I mean, at least there's no guarantee that the next "wild" target is not going to "change". Because all it takes for hell to break loose is the fool to believe he or she has found the definitive idol.

Harry knew that that holy roller's mouth would inspire me to find all these answers.

Just in case you're wondering, yes, that american girl is her clone.