domingo, 3 de março de 2024

Lions (Save It For The School Boy)

"And they shall be mine, said the LORD of the hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him."

Neither at the made up quarrel nor when she approached him to listen to her new poem, Ronald knew he wasn't before Cindy's popular character. At the party, she discovers he had never really known that Cindy she kept secret, only heard her. Why was she ashamed of her writing? The main answer does not lie in lack of confidence in the talent he recognizes in her, instead because it was too innocent for the "grown up" world that surrounded her.

There's only toxicity in the ego-pleasing wicked game "fun" professionals play; I know well the solarii "brotherhood". Unambitious ignorant people aim to fit in, caring more about looking "strong", "wild" and "free" in the eyes of fools than seeking the real Thing, only to serve death as the result of all their vain efforts. So, what is a geek? A geek is an enthusiast of any subject, not only computers and games. That means the whole world lies in geekness.

I did a great little thinking, quite a bit of thinking...

Either the 1 will turn the 0 on or the 0 will turn the 1 off.